Things I’ve made trying to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

  • Burger


    A python django app (eBay-like) e-commerce auction site that will allow users to post auction listings, place bids on listings, comment on those listings and add listings to a 'watchlist'. The users can view the active listings through categories as well. The user will be able to post, comment and add the listing to their watchlist only if they are logged in to their account. 🛒🛍


  • Astro Labeller


    Are you confused what movies or shows to watch in netflix? then this app is for you. A python flask app that generates random netflix movies and shows recommendation, with it's details listed for each title, that a user can navigate through and watch with a click of a button.


  • Food Judge

    Crypto Tracker

    A simple react cryptocurrency price tracking app. The users can search for the currencies and get back the latest information (such as market cap, current price, total volume, price change percentage and more.) on their search. This app uses the CoinGecko's cryptocurrency API to get the latest cryptocurrency data. Also, the users can refresh to get this very second's information.🚀

    Crypto Tracker

  • HAMS

    The Weather App

    A weather app built with react, that gets user input as a city, and fetches the current weather and forecast from an OpenWeatherMap API. The app also gives the user, the information of high, low, wind, rain, sunrise and sunset along with the weather.

    Weather App

  • Spotify Playing Now

    Avi Codes VSCode Theme

    A minimal, mordern theme for VS Code editor created for you by me. There are 'more than 1000+ downloads '.

    Avi Codes VSCode Theme

  • Burger

    Fooddit - Reddit for Food

    A web application for a minimal food discussion board application, the reddit for food. Includes visualizations of user stats, discussion feeds, posts, subfooddits along with voting and commenting features.🍕🍕


  • Pizza Roma

    Gatsby.js Portfolio

    I wanted to learn gatsby.js and I wanted something fast and with good SEO for my portfolio (previous), so a static website generator like Gatsby seemed like the best fit. It reads data from markdown files, so it's super easy for me to keep adding Portfolio items as I keep developing stuff. It also has a cool dark mode switch since I couldn't decide between a dark or light design.
